Storm Update

Snow is continuing and precipitation is expected to continue through morning.  Plowing operations are continuing through Tuesday. 

There will be regular sanitation collection Tuesday, with front yard pickup only.  No rear yard pickup.

Village Hall and Memorial Library will have a delayed openings, opening at 12:00 noon on Tuesday.

A reminder that cars are to remain off streets until plowing is completed and roadways are cleared.  Please do not return cars to streets until then.

Additional notifications will be sent when cars may return to streets.

When clearing snow do not throw snow into streets.  Doing so hinders plowing, creates ice patches, and can wind up in your neighbors’ driveways.  It is also against Village Code and violators can be ticketed.

If you have a fire hydrant adjacent to your property, please clear it of snow 3’ in every direction so it is accessible if needed.  Remember: in an emergency, the home you save may be your own.

Please continue to monitor the village website, Mineola TV, email, and social media for additional storm updates.  Thank you.