Plowing Operations Complete

Cars May Return to Streets

February 19, 2021

Afternoon snow accumulations are not occurring as forecast.  Plowing operations have been completed and cars can now be returned to streets.

When parking cars on streets, please park as close to curbs as possible so that roads are passable, especially by wide vehicles such as ambulances.  Please do not park opposite other cars when this may prohibit traffic from passing between.

When clearing snow from sidewalks and driveways, do not place snow back into streets.  This creates roadway hazards and is against Village Code.  Please put snow on lawns and aprons where it melts harmlessly.

If there is a fire hydrant adjacent to your property, please clear it of snow 3 feet in each direction so our volunteer firefighters have access in an emergency.  Remember, in an emergency the home you save may be your own.

Thank you.