Plowing Continuing, Keep Cars Off Street

February 19, 2021

Snowfall has resumed, and an additional 1-3 inches of snow is expected through tonight. Be careful of icy roads, sidewalks, and steps.

Snow crews will be plowing and sanding throughout the day, so vehicles must remain off streets.

Please do not return cars to streets until plowing is completed. Code Enforcement officers are on duty and will be issuing summonses to cars parked on streets.

As a reminder, when clearing snow from sidewalks and driveways, do not place snow back into streets. This creates roadway hazards and is against Village Code. Code Enforcement officers will also be ticketing homeowners who shovel or blow snow into streets. Please put snow on lawns and aprons where it melts harmlessly.

If there is a fire hydrant adjacent to your property, please clear it of snow 3 feet in each direction so our volunteer firefighters have access in an emergency. Remember, in an emergency the home you save may be your own.

Thank you.