Governor’s Proposed Housing Compact

February 8, 2023

Governor’s Proposed Housing Compact

Dear Neighbor:

As you may have heard, Governor Hochul has proposed a new housing plan that would, in effect, take away local control of zoning and force municipalities to increase the amount of housing units in municipalities by 3% every 3 years. That would be over 38,000 units by 2025 just on Long Island.

If passed this would have devastating ramifications for what we, as a Village, can approve or not approve. Instead of looking at applications for new development individually this would allow those who were denied to appeal to an office in Albany, who could override our local determination.

Those of us who grew up here, raised our children and those who recently moved here did so for a reason. We did so for a certain quality of life; for a say in local government. This proposal threatens to take that away.

The Village has in fact done our part to address housing needs in our Village by encouraging development by the train station, by updating our zoning to make our downtown more walkable and appealing. We have been updating our infrastructure to prepare for these developments. To take away our ability to determine how we live is appalling. 

I am encouraging you let the Governor know that you are against this proposal and the removal of local control of government by sending a message here.


Paul A. Pereira